Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Home for the paperwork

After bidding Mark a good day, the Tres Amigas hopped into the Ford Truck and with Stormy at the wheel set off for Northern California. We made great time and I am now at home gathering papers to get Mark setup on SS Disability and Medi-Cal. Hopefully it will all go smooth when I return to La Jolla and we will start the process to get him into Rehab. I spoke with Mark on the phone and he sounded great. I know he is in good hands and will miss my Hospital Angels and traveling companions. In spite of all the adverse things happening, we three had a real YaYa bonding time and Bless their hearts for being there. <333


  1. Big hugs Mama. Was great hearing your 'just a li'l wired' voice last night. Here's hoping that everything goes smoothly on the return trip.

    Much love
    Panther and Twisted

  2. Take care Argus. Don't let the paperwork get you down. Sending more prayers for Farr (Mark) and you today. ~~ Ken ~~

  3. sending lots of love and continued prayers lots of hugs too. So happy with his progression. Keep up the Good work Farr, and Argy you are just an Angel :)
    thank you for the blog, it helps comfort the ones who can't be there but are there in spirit :)
    love yas <3<3 Bells

  4. I am so happy to hear Mark is recovering so well CJ! What a relief that our prayers are being answered! I will continue to keep you all in my prayers! Sending you all love! Kim

  5. If i dont see ya before hand Argy safe travels back to mark, know that we are all thinking about you's continued prayers and much love comming your way.

    love always
    Helen & Paul xx

  6. Hugs From allenfire99 Blackburn. I'm sure Farrs climbing the walls wanting to get out and let the healing continue.
